
Friday, 16 August 2024

How much Turmeric per day? Proper Daily Dose

How much Turmeric per day? Proper Daily Dose


 Turmeric, the vibrant yellow spice commonly found in Indian cuisine, is more than a flavor enhancer. It is one of the most extensively examined dietary supplements in modern science. This powder has been used widely in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years as a holistic method of treating common diseases with relatively few adverse effects.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in Turmeric, has recently piqued the interest of many health enthusiasts. It has been known for its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore an appealing alternative for those seeking to improve their health and wellness.

However, many people wonder how much Turmeric should be taken daily? What is the correct Turmeric dose? The short answer is 500-2000 mg per day. But that’s a wide range! Read on the find out how much you should take for your specific situation.

In this blog, you’ll learn what Turmeric is and the recommended dose of Curcumin to achieve maximum benefits. We’ll also discuss how to incorporate it into your diet, its benefits, and the potential side effects of excessive consumption. So, let’s get started!

Now, how much Turmeric should I take? Here’s the recommended turmeric dosage. According to studies, Turmeric may be helpful in 500 to 2,000 milligrams (mg) daily doses. Of course, the dosage advised can change depending on the condition you’re trying to cure.

Although there isn’t a definitive agreement on the best doses of Turmeric or Curcumin, the following have been tested in studies with promising outcomes:

  • Turmeric dosage for osteoarthritis (by mouth): About 500 to 1,500 mg of Turmeric daily for three months
  • Turmeric dosage for increased cholesterol: 1400 mg of turmeric extract, taken twice a day for three months
  • Turmeric dosage for itchy skin: 500 mg of Turmeric thrice daily for 2 months
  • Turmeric dosage for depression: 500 mg of Turmeric twice daily
  • Turmeric dosage for inflammatory bowel disease or ulcerative colitis: 100 to 10,000 mg of Turmeric extract daily.

5 Manfaat Meminum Air Kunyit

 5 Manfaat Meminum Air Kunyit

1)  Mengurangi gejala radang sendi. (Konkumin yg dapat mengurangi gejala artritis )

2) Melindungi Redikal Bebas..(Konkumin berfungsi sebagai anti Oksidan melindungi redikal bebas.)

3) Meningkatkan Imune dlm tubuh. anti oksidan. anti inflamasi,

4)  Mengandungi gangguan pencernaan...(Kandungan anti oksidan mengatur bakteria dlm tubuh.)

5 )  Mmenurun berat badan.  Gangguan metabolik tubuh.

Hari ini Pilihanraya Ninggiri.

  Hari ini Pilihanraya Ninggiri.

Ready.........Look .........Go....

Vote for u'r self dear.. 

Ya Rabb Kau jadikanlah mereka mengundi yang terbaik buat mereka Demi Negeri Mereka, Masa Depan Mereka dan Kau Tentukanlah  Yg Terbaik Buat Mereka.   Selamat Mengundi Wahai Ninggirian...Do it  u'r best...Yey!

Jangan Adik Angan Angan

Keajaiban Qalbun | Ustaz Dr Mat Rofa

Ya Rabb Besarnya kekuasaanmu...Jantunglah yang berfikir...Qalbu ...istilah yg Imam Qhazali kata...
Sijil Ekonomi... Jiwa kosong...Jiwa tak di pelihara,,,Qalbu  yg berfikir...
Berfikir dgn Qalbu,,,Bukan hati ...Bila di tanya Ibnu Abu.......Dia berkata...Berfikir dgn Qalbu...
Islam ajar,,,
Doktor mengkaji semua memory di simpan Dlm Qalbu...apa yg Saintis temui...
"Jika Baik Jantung Baiklah jasad itu"
Kalau lah masuk darah munafik dlm darah kita...nagaimana...MaasyaAllah.
Darah yg membesar dgn harta haram...Jagalah keluarga kita.
Yaa Rabb betapa value yg Allah nilai...MaasyaaAllah....Hubungan manusia dgn harta Haram...
Ini perlu dijaga...
Ya Rabb ,,,

Gunakan Kitab Imam Ghazali....MaasyaaAllah....Betapa Agungnya Islam ...yg betul....Peliharalah Qalbu ku Yaa Robb....
Berfikir adalah dgn Qalbu...Rasulullah sebut tentang syurga...Syurga itu tak pernah mata melihat...Tak pernah difikir oleh Qalbu....
Kenahagiaan dari Qalbu yg tenteram...Mari kita bersyukur akan Allah tambahkan lagi...apa?  Barangkali rezeki...
Kata Allah sekira kamu bersyukur ...aku akan tambah,
Beristighfar juga...
Punca kebahagiaan "tengok di bawah kamu"  Sabda Rasullullah.
'Buat apa sahaja kebaikan kerana kebaikan akan membawa kebagiaan,,,
Ada org harta banyak ...Miskin Jiwa....
Jauhkan dpd RIBA...Berusaha bersungguh2,,,nwscaya Allah bantu...
Zikir juga sumber Qalbu...Zikir menenangkan Qalbu...
Celakalah mereka yg memiliki Qalbu yg keras..
Teory HOKKA HOKKI(Teory hemisphere otak kanan dan hemisphere  otak kiri) adalah totally salah...

hahaha...kita ajar Teory Behaviorism...Cognitivism...dan Contructivism...Semua salah..Bila kita dengar kita "sesat" ...kita "salah/silap"

Program Ulul Abbab dlm sistem Pendidikan MRSM...
Alhamdulillah...Belum cukup sempurna lagi...
Telah di kembangkan di UPSI...
Please dengar sampai Habis...Rugi tak dengar...

"Suulzoon" itu membunuh segala sangkaan ...bila mereka meninggal baru kita menyesal...

Disiplin berbeza dengan "Akhlak"
Rasulullah dibina dgn Akhlak

Akhlak= Emas Tulin
Disiplin= Emas Celup. 

Elok2 Kemnterian Pendidikan (source of educate) di tukar kpd Kementerian Pelajaran (source of knowledge)  heeee....